art studio
i like to draw fanart in my spare time.
a more comprehensive collection of my art/doodles/etc. can be found on tumblr.
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Hatsune Miku in the Pentiment art style Tom Ripley holds Freddie Miles upright, posed as if dancing Medieval marginalia-styled doodles Father Thomas stands above the bodies of his murder victims Magdalene Druckeryn haloed by a labyrinth Kim Kitsuragi smokes, a little Harry stands on his shoulder The four protagonists of The Disenchantment pose around a sofa William holds a book while Adso looks nervous The Virgin Mary and Eve lean in to kiss The three suspects of Pentiment Act 2 in a circular labyrinth The four suspects of Pentiment Act 1 in a circular labyrinth Veronica and Brigita walk together and laugh Rene Arnoux stands tall, behind him sits the deserter