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october 27 2024
october 27 2024
I looked after a very sweet girl earlier this month.

This is Picasso, my cousin's new cat, given that name when she kept dipping her tail into the water bowl and sweeping it around like a paintbrush. I got to look after her while my cousin was away on a trip.
Here's what I call her
- Pica
- Peekaboo
- The Honker (she makes a soft honk/squeaking sound instead of meowing)
- The Squeaker
Things Picasso likes
- Chasing string
- Chasing bits of plants
- Chewing on paper towels
- Staring out the window
- Whatever's in the kitchen sink
- The dishwasher: She likes to stare at it when it's on, and is curious where the water sound is coming from. When it's off, she likes to climb inside and inspect the dishes.
- The electric kettle

Things Picasso doesn't like
- The vacuum cleaner: She hissed at it even when it was off.

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