The Checkout Counter #13
November 2023
Scavengers Reign, 2023–
The Secret Commonwealth, Philip Pullman
  • PlayTime, 1967
    Comedy. A man attempting to meet with a business contact gets lost in the modern and gadget-filled Paris.
  • Scavengers Reign, 2023–the visual style of moebius meets miyazaki's nausicaa and vandermeer's annihilation. what an incredibly lush world that lets the story pause to sit in quiet moments of beauty and horror. though i'd look forward to a potential season two, the final episode left me with a neat conclusion. a wonderful experience.
    Animation, scifi, drama. Five survivors of a damaged cargo ship find themselves stranded on a verdant planet teeming with alien flora and fauna.
  • Labyrinths, Jorge Luis Borges
    Short fiction and essay collection
  • The Secret Commonwealth, Philip Pullmanthere are so many things in this book that baffle me—or i outright hated—but it still keeps in the back of my mind. it's dense with magisterial politics and philosophical debate, all the while following the thread of fairytales and the world of the half-seen. i was less impressed by the spy thriller segments (particularly since the main spy figure we follow has the personality of a beige wall), and i'm unconvinced that the orientalism in the latter half is subverted in any meaningful way. i'm going to be thinking about this book for a long time—at least, until i can get my hands on the sequel.
    Fantasy, second book in The Book of Dust trilogy. Lyra Silvertongue journeys east amid great political shifts within the domineering church.
Short fiction
  • Dorchester, Steven Duong
  • The Collectors, Philip Pullman
Articles & essays