The Checkout Counter #10
August 2023
The Name of the Rose, Umberto Eco
historical mystery novel
as someone who prefers snappy, shorter books, the name of the rose was a real tome. i worked through it for more than half a year, and i'm so glad i did—the last few chapters culminate into an incredible rush of upheaval and meditations on the loss of history. the story follows a holmes-like medieval monk and the murder mystery that plagues the abbey he visits; except, it's told from the perspective of his benedictine novice; except, it's a translation of a translation of the now-lost original manuscript. (and i'm reading an english translation of the original italian text.) like the abbey library, this is a labyrinthine book of framing devices within framing devices within framing devices.
Big Night, 1996
culinary drama/romance film
big night is my idea of a perfect movie. two brothers try to save their struggling restaurant by throwing the biggest, most delectable dinner party—betrayals and italian cuisine ensue. all the bits of storytelling i love are baked into this film: a plot that unfolds over the course of a single day, workplace infighting, cooking as an art…this movie is perfect. chef's kiss.
Venba, 2023
narrative cooking game
also culinary-related, the game venba is a touching amuse-bouche of the immigrant dream and generational differences. the cooking gameplay is enhanced by an incredible vocal soundtrack and the (i'm assuming) real sounds of ghee sizzling and snapping over a hot surface.
Single Choice Jam entries
interactive fiction games
i participated in the single choice jam, where the interactive fiction entries were limited to only one choice. i've been playing through these games very slowly, and a unique aspect of this jam is that the limitation creates a sense of anticipation—what's the choice going to be? when will it come up? many cool entries to poke through.
Book of Lamentations, Sam Kriss
book review
read this review of the DSM-5. a strikingly unique piece of literary criticism.